10 Human foods that your dog will love


You don’t always need to purchase dog food for your dog. There are many human foods, which you can give to your dog. When you are aware of those foods, you will find it as an easy task to feed your dog as well. Here’s a list of 10 such human foods, which you can give to your dog without having a doubt or a second thought in your mind.

  1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a prominent ingredient that you can see in dog food that you purchase from the pet store as well. If you are concerned about providing a healthy meal for the dog, you need to go ahead with it. The dogs have a sensitive grain similar to human beings. Therefore, your dog will never come across any issues after the consumption of oats. You can also prepare oatmeal at the comfort of your home and provide to your dog.

  1. Coconut

You can add coconut to the foods that you prepare for your dog. Lauric acid is one of the key ingredients that you can see in coconut. This is an easily digestible acid. As a result, your dog will not come across any issues after the consumption of coconut. On the other hand, coconut can act as an excellent source of energy to your dog as well. Therefore, you can keep your dog healthy and energized.

  1. Peanut butter

Peanut butter is an excellent tasty spread. If you are giving bread to your dog, you can think about applying peanut butter on top of it. Peanut butter is an organic and a healthy food. It can provide a range of vitamins to your dog as well. Out of them, Vitamin E holds a prominent place. In fact, Vitamin E can strengthen the immune system of your dog and help you to make sure that he doesn’t get sick too often. Vitamin B provided by peanut butter can be beneficial for his skin and coat.

  1. Chicken

Chicken is one of the most popular foods among dog owners out there in the world. Perth Vet – ThePetpractice said you can think about providing chicken to your dog without having a doubt or a second thought in your mind. It is better if you can provide completely unseasoned chicken to your dog. You should also make sure that chicken you give to your dog doesn’t contain any bones. Chicken can act as an excellent source of proteins. In addition, it can offer a range of Omega 6 fatty acids as well.

  1. Pumpkin

Pumpkin is a superfood that you can give to your dog without having a doubt in mind. It can deliver a range of minerals, vitamins and fiber to the companion. Therefore, you can easily ensure the good health of your dog’s urinary tract. Both pumpkin skin and pumpkin seeds contain specific oils. These oils are in a position to help your dog from overcoming a variety of urination related health issues. On the other hand, pumpkin can provide an excellent assistance to the digestion process as well.

  1. Salmon

Similar to pumpkin, salmon is also a superfood that you can give to your dog. It is not an unnecessarily expensive dog food. Therefore, you can give salmon to the dog on a regular basis. However, you need to make sure that you never feed your dog with uncooked salmon. You need to cook salmon properly and provide to the dog. Then it can act as an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids. This can provide a large number of benefits to the dog as well. You should also make sure that you are giving high quality salmon to the dog. That’s because law quality salmon contains parasites, which can lead your dog towards salmon poisoning disease.

  1. Yogurt

Yogurt is an excellent dairy product that you can provide to the dog.

Any kind of dog breed can receive a large number of health benefits with the help of yogurt. It’s recommended for you to give more yogurt during the summer season because your dog can remain cool. Probiotics that come along with yogurt can provide a large number of health benefits to the stomach of your dog. In addition, yogurt can provide an excellent assistance to your dog with food digestion as well.

  1. Eggs

Back in the day, dog owners refrained from giving eggs to their companions as they believed that it contains a large amount of cholesterol. However, scientists have recently figured out that there aren’t any issues with giving eggs to your dog. You can provide good cholesterol to your dog with the assistance of eggs. On the other hand, eggs can also provide a large number of amino acids to the dogs. In simple terms, eggs contain a large number of nutrients, which can benefit your dog.

  1. Green beans

Green beans can be considered as an excellent source of veggies available for the dog owners to consider. If your dog is overweight and suffering from the signs of obesity, you are strongly encouraged to think about providing green beans. You are also provided with the freedom to prepare green beans in many different ways. However, it’s recommended for you to serve green beans alone. You should also be careful not to provide green beans with added garlic, onions or spices to the dog. You just need to keep the meals simple.

  1. Carrots

Similar to green beans, you can also provide carrots to the dogs. It is one of the healthiest vegetables that you can provide to the dog. Carrots can contribute a lot towards the dental health of your dog at the end of the day. You can give carrots to the dog on a weekly basis.

Final Words

These are 10 of the best human foods that you can give to your dog. You just need to be mindful about the specific preparation methods, which you need to adhere when giving them to your dog.

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