A How-to Guide to Maintaining Health For Working Moms Post-Pregnancy


Women go through many changes with their bodies during pregnancy. These nine months are the most eventful for new moms whether expecting their first child or experiencing a second or other pregnancy. The joy culminates with the birth of the baby. Again, the body goes through even more changes. After the birth, the postpartum phase begins and typically lasts from six to eight weeks.

After around the sixth week, most moms are going back to the workplace. This can be a stressful time coupled with leaving the baby alone and dealing with the extra duties of getting the baby ready to take to daycare daily. In order to be a successful working mom, new moms must maintain their health.

Get plenty of rest

This is probably something a new mom has not been able to due since the pregnancy. It is important for her health, and the health of the baby to get as much rest as possible. Once back at work, this may seem difficult to attain. The workday may find the mom running out of energy, but utilizing break periods can be helpful.

While on a break which is the employee’s time, it is alright to put the head down and go for a power nap. When at home, continue to nap when the baby sleeps, and enlist the help of family and friends to take over care of the baby from time to time.

Eat healthy meals and snacks

When working and caring for a new baby, eating nutritious meals can take a back seat. New moms need to eat nutritious meals especially if they are breastfeeding. They need plenty of fruit and vegetables, whole-grain foods, dairy products, and lean meat for protein. If there are no other health condition present that would have a dietary restriction, eating a healthy meal that contains all of the recommendations from the food groups is essential. If still trying to get more weight off, limit the carbohydrates and sugars in the diet. Oil is not in any food group, but some oils like nut oils have essential nutrients.

Maintain health by staying physically active

Babies require a lot of attention and energy. Many moms do not get enough physical activity even though they may suffer from constant fatigue. It is important to become and stay physically active when taking care of a new baby and working. Getting a sitter for one or two day a week to start should be ample time to either work out, join a dance group, or go for a brisk walk around the neighbourhood. It does not need to be much, but enough to give the feeling of rejuvenation.

The body will feel better, and the new mom will be able to complete daily tasks, and rest peacefully once the baby falls asleep. Many expectant moms use the services of a midwife who will often stress these and other important points for maintaining good health. Visit website to know to get through all such problems pre and post pregnancy.

Some new moms are not quite ready to go back to work on a full time basis. This is great. It will allow more time for mom and baby to adjust to being apart. Babies are very adaptable. As long as they are clean and fed, they can adjust to any environment. The working mom, on the other hand, is the one that has the most difficult time dealing with separation anxiety. If this should this become an issue, starting back to work part time can be the most beneficial option for the new mom and baby.

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