Learn How Badly These Blue Rays Affect Your Eyes


Blue light could be hurting your eyes and you don’t even realize it. Blue rays look white as they are all of the colours of the sunlight combined. This means the light that looks white exposes our eyes to a higher amount of wavelength that comes from the blue end of the spectrum. Though its everywhere, blue light can be damaging to the eyes.

Sources of Blue Rays

Blue rays of light are everywhere whether natural or not. Every digital device from a smartphone to a tablet has a blue light. Fluorescent light bulbs and LED lights also have this type of light. You cannot escape the blue rays. The pigment in the back of the retina can protect your body from the harmful overexposure, but only to a certain extent.

After a short period of time, the exposure to the blue light rays becomes harmful. The problem stems when you get too much blue light exposure. Many times at night when viewing digital devices right before bed, one’s wake and sleep cycle are thrown off. Click here to learn more about it.

Eye Strain

Blue rays of light are full of high energy. This means they are able to scatter easier than visible light. The eye has trouble focusing on this light. As we stare into a computer or phone screen with this high energy light, the eye strains to see it. The more you stare at the screen, the most “noise” from the rays of light. After a few hours, your eyes are usually tired from this visual workout.

Macular Degeneration

Blue rays of light may boost macular degeneration. Blue light reaches the back of the retina. Some studies show that too many of these rays may damage the cells that are sensitive to light in the back of the retina. Macular degeneration hinders eyesight over time and many times leads to permanent vision loss. The exposure to blue rays when viewing computer screens and other digital devices could boost this degeneration as the personages.


Cataracts and other growths on the eyes could stem from too much exposure to ultraviolet light. Whether it’s from the sun or screens, too much of a good thing is never good news. Some studies say that too much of this exposure in children can even affect their vision development. The best way to protect yourself from the fear of cataracts and other growths attached to the stigma of blue lights is to take regular screen breaks. After cataract surgery, you are most susceptible to damage. Intraocular lenses implanted during cataract surgery do not provide as much protection.

Damage Prevention

You can be mindful of blue light in many ways. It’s smart to limit sun exposure for your skin’s health and your eye health. Always wear wide-brimmed hats and/or sunglasses when in sunlight. You may even consider pigmented polarized lens glasses. Take breaks from blue light on the computer screen throughout the duration you are on the device.

Every 20 minutes take a break. Many smartphones have settings to lower blue light exposure. Make sure this setting is on to help your eyes focus during the time you are using it. It is a smart idea to not even have a digital device by your bed so you aren’t tempted to use it at night.

This does not mean all blue rays are bad. Blue lights do boost alertness, help cognitive function and elevate mood. When seen in moderation, blue rays are good for your health. They even help regulate the circadian rhythm to help your body’s natural wake and sleep cycle.

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